

This blog has been created in order to organize the June conference about nuclear weapons.
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Valentin and Jeremie, webmasters

6 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…


I want to use a symbol for the conference :paper crane.

Listen to my story!!

Sadako Sasaki was a Japanese girl, and was born in 1943. When she was two years old, a nuclear bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. But she was unhurt.
unhurt ??
She liked running ( like valentin ). When she was practicing for a big race, she became dizzy and fell to the ground... Sadako was very sick : Leukemia, a consequence of nuclear weapon.
A best friend of Sadako told her a very old Japanese legend : if she make 1000 paper cranes, her wish would be granted. She believed this legend. Then she hoped to recover....
She build 500 paper cranes, she felt better and she could come back home.But, a week later, she was in hospital again.
Sadako build 644 paper cranes in order to make the most of her life and to recover that is to say fulfilling her dream.
She died...
The school mates build the rest of 1000 paper cranes. Then, they went on, and sold them.. With the money, they brought a statue in honour of all the children, victims of nuclear weapons. Every years, Japonese schools send paper cranes where is the statue.
The paper crane has become an international symbol of peace.

What are your feelings about this story ???

Anonyme a dit…

Beautiful story :)

Anonyme a dit…

a sad but very beautiful story.it appears to be a good idea to choose paper crane like symbol for your conference

Ray Genet a dit…

Hi Justine

Why not offer the guests paper cranes - who do you know who can make them??

Ray Genet a dit…

Paper crane folding instructions in English. why not organise a lunchtime folding sessions for students to publicise the conference at Ensimag and Enseeg? It will take students' minds off their projects and exams.



Ray Genet a dit…

This is a better one:
